A team of Canadian researchers have just discovered the most ancient ice ever found in North America. This ice is 700,000 years old. Experts say that due to this new find we can understand that this permafrost does not release its carbon as fast as we used to think. Although this does not throw the idea of global warming away it does tell us that it in fact may be a slower process than once thought. Since the ice has been dated back to over 700,000 years, this means that it has not melted during two periods where scientists thought the Earth was warmer then today. These scientists say that their discovery does not mean to tell people to forget about global warming, because it may still cause a serious impact on the early, especially in the North. Several climate models predict significant melting of permafrost in the coming decades, or by the end of the century. However it now appears that it might take longer then that.
I think that this is a fantastic discovery to Canada. It is a great find and I'm sure many Canadian's, as well as anyone around the world is happy to know that we will have more time to slow down global warming. I, myself do not personally believe very strongly in global warming. I think that although it is partially our fault for polluting our planet, I still think that some part of it is some how happening naturally.
Soure: Globe and Mail "Discover waters down fears of fast-melting ice" Article. Issue: Friday Sept 19. 2008
I think that this is a fantastic discovery to Canada. It is a great find and I'm sure many Canadian's, as well as anyone around the world is happy to know that we will have more time to slow down global warming. I, myself do not personally believe very strongly in global warming. I think that although it is partially our fault for polluting our planet, I still think that some part of it is some how happening naturally.
Soure: Globe and Mail "Discover waters down fears of fast-melting ice" Article. Issue: Friday Sept 19. 2008
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