More then one obvious solution has been offered to the constant problem of gas prices, and pollution due to driving in Canada. The largest and most obvious being hybrid cars, cars that run partially on electrictiy and partially on gasoline. The most popular of these cars being the Toyota Prius. After doing the proper math it is found that many of these cars, although their high original cost, will inturn save a driver a great amount of money. As well as being more fuel efficient they save the environment from many harmful emmisions produced by gasoline or diesel powered vehicles. However, it is not fair to say these vehicles will always guarantee to save money and save fuel, it really depends on the driving style of the owner. These cars are mainly beneficial for a stop-go-stop driving that is common in cities.
I believe that hybrid cars will soon take over the majority of cars on the road. With the quickly rising gas prices a hybrid car seems to be the right alternative. Although they seem almost fool proof I do not believe they may appeal to everyone. For example if someone who does alot of long distant highway driving these cars may actually cost more money, since most of the electricity only is used in slow driving. In conclusion I thinkt hat despite a view downsides the hybrid cars are beneficial for drivers in Canada. \http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20080904/hybrids_cato_080904/20080905?s_name=Autos&no_ads=
I believe that hybrid cars will soon take over the majority of cars on the road. With the quickly rising gas prices a hybrid car seems to be the right alternative. Although they seem almost fool proof I do not believe they may appeal to everyone. For example if someone who does alot of long distant highway driving these cars may actually cost more money, since most of the electricity only is used in slow driving. In conclusion I thinkt hat despite a view downsides the hybrid cars are beneficial for drivers in Canada. \http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20080904/hybrids_cato_080904/20080905?s_name=Autos&no_ads=
I agree they are cheap and enviorment friendly.
I agree with you on this situation. Like you said, hybrid cares are made for city driving and that is why many people who don't live in cities of do a lot of city driving are not buying them. I believe in the future many car companies (we can already see this with Toyota, they make a Highlander Hybrid) will make hybrid SUV's and trucks so people who don't want to drive around in small cars, or need the extra seating/storage or towing capabilities, a hybrid will be offered to them. I belive if car companies do make this, and can make hybrid's not only really meant for city driving, that this will really take affect and people will start driving them. This will save us Canadians tons of money witht he rising gas prices and will also help out the Global Warming issue relavant to our cohort.
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