Personally as much as I do not enjoy have Stephen Harper as our Prime Minister, I think I would prefer him over Dion and a coalition government made of the NDPs and Liberals. However, I do agree with Jack Layton in the statement "That confidence isn't going to be restored by seven weeks of propaganda". I think that many people will still have the same view points even after the seven week break from parliament. However hopefully the Conservative plan will be enough to prevent Canada from having a coalition government.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Parliament Shut Down For Seven Weeks
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Ted Rogers 1933 - 2008
Canada's most successful businessmen, transforming his name into a nation-wide brand that signified high-speed Internet, cellular telephones and major league baseball, Ted Rogers has passed away. Rogers was currently being treated for an on going heart condition, died in his Toronto home. He was 75 years old. Ted Rogers brought his company from a small radio station into a $25 billion Canadian institution. He was as happy to talk with his truck drivers as with his executives, but there is one point that every one held true: if you worked for Ted Rogers, you had better be on your game. John Tory is the Ontario Progressive Conservative party leader. He once ran RCI's cable division and was well acquainted with Rogers' mental dexterity.
"He could sit at one meeting and he could have a learned, intelligent discussion about a legal issue, then he could move on and have a learned discussion about a tax issue, and then if it happened to go around the table and there was an engineering issues with the company, he could discuss and debate it intelligently and then move on to a financial issue," said Tory. Rogers attended Upper Canada College in Toronto. It was here, in 1949 and 1950, where he installed a cable in his room, attached to a hidden rooftop antenna, and connected it to a television set. "Viewers were invited to gather around, for a small fee, to watch the marvels of television."
He wrote, "It dawned on me that I shared my father's two gifts, his passion for electronics and business acumen." "If my life has a lesson for others," he wrote, "I think it is that everyone has a shot. Don't follow your dream; live it. No matter what it is you want, take your best shot. Be passionate, work hard, maybe harder than you've ever dreamt, but the opportunity is there."
"He could sit at one meeting and he could have a learned, intelligent discussion about a legal issue, then he could move on and have a learned discussion about a tax issue, and then if it happened to go around the table and there was an engineering issues with the company, he could discuss and debate it intelligently and then move on to a financial issue," said Tory. Rogers attended Upper Canada College in Toronto. It was here, in 1949 and 1950, where he installed a cable in his room, attached to a hidden rooftop antenna, and connected it to a television set. "Viewers were invited to gather around, for a small fee, to watch the marvels of television."
He wrote, "It dawned on me that I shared my father's two gifts, his passion for electronics and business acumen." "If my life has a lesson for others," he wrote, "I think it is that everyone has a shot. Don't follow your dream; live it. No matter what it is you want, take your best shot. Be passionate, work hard, maybe harder than you've ever dreamt, but the opportunity is there."
I think it is very sad that such a great man died today. I also think that this will effect all of Canada as Ted Rogers has made such a large contribution to Canadian society with his company. I think that Ted rogers is also a strong example and leader for many kids as well as anyone else, that have dreamed to do something. I know that regardless of if people knew him, everyone will miss him.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Five Cent Bag Fee Proposed by City
Toronto shoppers may have to start paying five cents for every plastic shopping bag that they get from stores. This is under a new proposal worked out between the the city and big grocery companies. Industry officials from he Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors which represent the major grocery chains, have called a conference today to announce what they are billing as an alternative proposal the stop the use of plastic bags. The hopes of this is to cut plastic bag use by 70% by 2012. Retailers had complained that under the city's proposal it would be hard to know how many throwaway bags have been saved if customers brought their own bags. Also they complained that the previous ten cent refund on plastic bags would drive up their costs and increase grocery prices. :Negotiations over the past 10 days produced a revised plan: Instead of refunding money for bags saved, shoppers will have to pay a nickel every time they walk away with a non reusable bag. Some discount stores like No Frills already charge for grocery bags."
I think that charging people for bags can be used positively in grocery stores in Toronto. Charging people for bags will in turn cause people to want to bring their own bags, most likely being reusable. This can benefit Toronto by reducing the amount of plastic bags used therefore bettering our environment.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Remains of Copernicus Found
I believe that this discover is very important to the world, including Canada. I think that it is so important because it may reveal many things about a man who created a theory that is so important to our studies today, as well as it may illuminate more about the past in the terms of how Copernicus lived and actually looked.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Legislation Proposed to Limit Driving Priveleges

I personally am against this. I do not think that this law will be effective at all and that it discourages many of the benefits of being able to drive. This law proves to discourage carpooling, which means that it is discouraging saving on gas and saving the environment. I think that regardless of the law many teens will drive with more passengers either way. I also think that since you cannot carpool this means that teens at parties will drink and drive either way, since they can't have a designated driver to take them all home. In conclusion I think that this law is a bad idea and will not be beneficial to the safety of roads in Ontario.
Friday, November 14, 2008
World Leaders Gather to Discuss Financial Crisis
I think that this crisis is very prominent in our day to day lives. I also think that this meeting is most necessary to help ensure that the world will not go through such a strong financial crisis again. I think that Canada will play an important role in this meeting and will be a good model to follow in hopes of ending the Crisis.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Obama 44th President of the USA
I think this is truly one of the most important and greatest events that we as Canadians may witness in our lifetimes. To be alive to see the very first African-American president is showing that our nation may finally be moving from racial discrimination to a post-racial era, where everyone can finally live together with equality. I think that Obama will change the US greatly as well as affect Canada, for we are their neighbors. I think that he will change the way the world looks at the US, changing the very beliefs of the government and the beliefs that people have about the US.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Candy Recalled in the GTA
The Canadian Food inspection Agency is warning consumers that some Hershey's candy, which was recalled years ago was found in Toronto for sale. The recalled treats include Hershey's chocolate chips, milk, and
dark chocolate bars, Glosettes, Eat-More bars, Reese peanut butter cups, Oh Henry, and Cherry blossoms. However, this does not affect snack sized bars that are sold for Halloween. So far there as been over 640 products from five independent convenience stores. The agency will not name certain stores because that may unfairly label them. They believe that big box stores would not be carrying any recalled products and that rather it would be local convenience stores. This is not the first time that Hershey has been forced to recall dozens of products after salmonella had been detected in a plant in Ontario. The contamination was traced to an emulsifying agent, so lecithin. Some of the recalled chocolate bars were stolen in 2007 from a recycling plant that was told to dispose of them, however, they were taken and sold back to stores for cheap prices. Luckily so far no illnesses have been reported.
I think that this is pretty crazy considering that something like candy is something that is bought everyday especially by kids. Whoever decided to steal and sell it is a horrible person, or people, because they know that kids are most likely to be targeted during this. Most importantly parents and children should be warned being that today is Halloween. Although the snack sized bars are not affected many people still have the chance of buying the tainted chocolate bars.
I think that this is pretty crazy considering that something like candy is something that is bought everyday especially by kids. Whoever decided to steal and sell it is a horrible person, or people, because they know that kids are most likely to be targeted during this. Most importantly parents and children should be warned being that today is Halloween. Although the snack sized bars are not affected many people still have the chance of buying the tainted chocolate bars.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
200 Killed in Pakistan Earthquake
Yesterday in Quetta Pakistan a strong earthquake struck an impoverished area in Pakistan killing at least 170 people and leaving 15,000 homeless. Officials in Pakistan said that they are distributing tents, along with blankets and food for as many as the homeless as possible. “There is great destruction,” said Ziarat Mayor Dilawar Kakar. “Not a single house is intact.” Aftershocks happened throughout the rest of the day one which estimated a 6.2 magnitude. Mr. Kakar said the death toll from the quake was 170, with 375 injured. Around 15,000 people lost their homes, he said. Farooq Ahmad Khan, head of the disaster authority, said 2,000 houses were destroyed and that teams were scrambling to erect shelters for 2,500 to 3,000 people.
This is obviously a tragic event, but it raises the question of relief support from Canada. Not only for this specific occasion but for many occasions in the past. Canada normally contributes extremely well when other countries need relief support. I hope to see that Canada may help in a small way if this matter gets worse.
Monday, October 27, 2008
New Ontario Bill Would Ban Cellphone Use While Driving
The Ontario government may make a bill as early as tomorrow, following provinces such as Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Quebec in banning electronic devices (cell phones) while driving. Transport Canada's 2008 report on driver cellphone use shows that 37% of drivers using a cellphone while driving have been seen to have unsafe driving behaviours such as tailgating and speeding. The Ontario Medical Association released a report stating that cellphone use is as bad to a driver as being at the legal limit of alcohol consumption. Premier Dalton McGuinty announced in May that he was considering legislation that would ban all hand-held devices, not just cellphones, forcing drivers to use headsets or speaker systems instead. Newfoundland had been the first province to ban cell phones while driving in 2003. The cost for disregarding this law could be up to $400 and four points off your license. About 50 countries already have this law in place.
I think that this law should be instated. However it would be rather hard to enforce seeing that a police would physically have to see a person on the phone. Also I think that in emergency situations a cell phone is needed and that this law would have to be exclusive of certain situation. Even if it was exclusive of these situations it would be hard to know why someone is on the phone, and if being an emergency purpose it would be wrong to stop that person.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Loonie Dives, then Climbs Back
The Canadian dollar dove another cent on Thursday. This hit a four-year low of 78.48 cents U.S. It then recovered to 79.57 cents on news that the Canadian government will temporarily guarantee inter-bank borrowing. The currency went down about 24% year-over-year, early Thursday and down almost 7% from the end of last week, bringing up the rising value of the U.S. dollar relative to other currencies. The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce noted that the U.S. dollar continues to dominate the world. Like many other currencies the Loonie has been sinking, with the crisis of a potential recession. In addition to the Canadian dollars depreciation there may be a pay cut by raising the price of imports.
I don't think that the fall of the Loonie effects my life personally however I know that it will effect many people around me such as my parents. At the same time however I believe this may be good for economy, because much of our economy is based on manufacturing companies selling to the United States as well as internationally, this means we will be getting more than when the dollar was 110.3 cents, its all time high. Overall, I believe this is good for Canada, although many believe it may not seem so.
Friday, October 17, 2008
E. Coli Victim Total Goes Up
The number of people effected by a potentially deadly E. Coli virus has risen to 131 after a Harvey's food chain in North Bay was shut down and thought to be the source of the outbreak. Yesterday the city's health unit have said that a possible 93 people could be infected with the virus, and 22 people are definitely sick. Due to the incubation time of the virus it is projected that the peak of the outbreak will be in the next three or four days. So far 9 people have been reported to hospital, as well as other recovering at home. The areas medical officer fears that the outbreak will spread beyond North Bay and the Public Health Agency of Canada is also helping out. The Harvey's restaurant was closed last Sunday which means that Sunday was the last day anyone could be exposed to the virus. The exact number of people that had been in the restaurant that day has not been determined but 75 people have reported feeling sick after eating at that restaurant.
I think that this is a horrible outbreak in Ontario. I also believe that things like this could be prevented. I think that health guidelines and inspections should be much more tighter as well as much more often in order to secure the safety of customers at these restaurants. I think that the Public Health Agency of Canada should worry more about the prevention of such outbreaks rather then having such panics after an outbreak occurs.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Harper Wins Stronger Minority Government
As of midnight last night, Stephen Harper's minority government had been reelected, only now stronger with 143 seats. Following the Conservatives came the liberals with 76 seats, Bloc with 50 seats, and NDP with 37 seats. Stephen Dion went out respectively stating "...he promised to work closely with the Conservatives to tackle any economic troubles." Harper needed to build himself up in Quebec however in the last couple weeks of his campaign he faltered, ensuring that he wouldn't win a majority government. The conservative had won 109 seats in Ontario alone.
I do not really know what to think of this current election. Personally I do not think that it will effect me personally. I also think that although what has been said throughout he elections many things will cease to change, or atleast will not be very apparent to the general public.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Canada Afghan Mission $18 Billion
By the year 2011, the war in Afghanistan will cost Canadians about $18 billion, or about $1,500 per household. Kevin Page the parliamentary budget officer fears that the costs might be much more. Page is an independent non-partisan watchdog of Parliament. Page says that the budget for the war does not meet the standards. Page says that "He estimated that Canada is spending as much as $200 million each month in Afghanistan, where 97 soldiers, one diplomat and two aid workers have died." The Conservative government had managed to make a rough estimate of $8 billion, however that did not include many of the after effect costs. "Page’s forecast provides a range, suggesting the final bill could be anywhere between $14 billion and $18 billion, but it is based on the assumption that the current deployment of 2,500 troops and support staff remains the same. If the mission expands, so will the costs."
I think that the expenses that are being paid for this war are ridiculous. However, I find it more ridiculous that Canadians were not given a clear estimate of what the costs would be. It seems that the Conservative government will have under guessed the estimate cost by almost half of what it will turn out to be. I think that this is also one of the biggest issues in the upcoming election and that the government who has the best way pertaining to this issue, may be victorious.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Canadian Child Poverty at Steady Level
A report that was released today illuminates the current child poverty situation in Canada. Child poverty right now is at the same level it was in 1989, which was also the year parliament pledged that child poverty would be eliminated by 2000. In 2006 a report from the Community Foundation of Canada, was released stating that 1.6 million children, or 23% of Canadian children are living in poverty. "That level of child poverty has virtually not changed in about 20 years, we just have not been able to move the needle on child poverty," CFC president Monica Patten said in a press release. Among the 15 communities profiled the report found that Toronto and Vancouver had highest rates of child poverty, while Oakville (ON), and Calgary had the lowest. The report graded each community on each community's' quality of life, but more specifically in the gap between rich and poor, health, housing and the environment. The study also showed that The median income of non-immigrant Canadian families increased by more than 5 per cent from 2000 to 2005 while immigrant families' incomes fell by one per cent. Recent immigrants' (those in Canada less than five years) incomes fell more than three per cent. In 2007, only 22 per cent of Canadians hadn't finished high school, down from almost 38 per cent in 1990. The obesity rate in Canada has swollen to 16 per cent in 2007 from 12 per cent in 1996.
I think that this report is actually quite shocking, as it would be thought that child poverty was almost completely gone, considering that many of us do not see it in our day to day lives. I also think that is very shocking that a large percent of the child poverty is actually in Toronto. I think that more needs to be done by the government to help abolish poverty, although only so much can be done at once. It will take tens of years to get to the point where we should be at in terms of the rates of child poverty. However, it was promised in 1989 and should once again be brought a major topic.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Peel Region Drug Bust
Yesterday morning over $4 million dollars of drugs, including 70,000 Ecstasy tablets, 205kg of cocaine, 7kg of ketamine, as well as a quanitity of marijuana and a $12,000 in cash was seized in a drug bust in peel region. This was part of a massive undercover operation called "Vanquish" that has taken all those drugs off of the streets. Arrests happened over an eight month period. In all, ten people face a total of 39 charges including conspiracy and trafficking. Peel cops worked along side with officers from several different jurisdictions to make these arrests. The accused were from many areas such as Mississauga and Brampton, however most of them lived in Toronto. The arrests did not only occur at one large time but officers arrested people in hand to hand deals. This was an extremely undercover operation. Cops believe they have made a large impact on the drug lords because of this bust.
I believe that this drug bust is very positive for the city of Toronto. It is clearly one of the more major busts and should impact the amount of drug trafficking that happens in Toronto. It is very obvious though that many drug transactions still happen regardless of the countless effort from our police forces. However, I believe that slowly, one by one we may be able to eradicate most of the drugs in our city.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Taser Kills Again
Yet again another taser has killed a man in Vancouver B.C. An RCMP resorted to using his taser after a man had jumped through a house window. The man had died on the way to a hospital, and was suspected to be the robber of a bank that had occurred earlier in the day. RCMP arrived at the house to find the man naked jumping through the window of a house that had reportedly had a woman in it. The RCMP had tried to subdue the man once they had gotten hold of him but he attempted to run back into the house. At this point they decided to use their tasers on him. This is the second time in the Vancouver area that this has happened. Last Monday, police tasered another mentally old 16 year old mother, they say they feared that she would hurt her young baby. Last year, Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski died at the Vancouver airport after four Mounties subdued him with a taser.
These incidents constantly cause people to raise the question of whether or not tasers are safe, and should be used. Personally I think that they are a good alternative to using many other weapons but I still think that police need to find another different weapon that can guarantee that the victim has no chance of death. I also think that police should use more discrimination when using their tasers, as at many times they may actually not need to use them.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Viva Talks of Returning to Work
I personally do not ride the Viva very often but I can understand that many people rely on it as a main mode of transportation. This is very good news for anyone who was affected by the strike. This would affect more then just the people riding the bus but would also affect everyone that those people worked for since they could possibly not go to work. This would also force many people to drive cars rather then take public transportation, which in turn would be worse for the environment.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Dead Sea Scrolls
Today it has been reported that five Dead Sea Scrolls will be at the Royal Ontario Museum for display within the next year. "Sixteen ancient scrolls - including the five - form the core of an exhibition on the earliest known copies of the Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible, discovered by Bedouin goat-herders near the Dead Sea in what is now Israel in 1947." The showing of these scrolls is scheduled to run next June 27th and run for six months. Of course with such a showing there will be extra special security settings around the ROM. Each scroll even has its own first class seat on its way to Ontario, in the plane. The texts of these scrolls include fragments from the books, Genesis, Deuteronomy and Psalms, as well as more obscure sectarian documents such as “Community Rule,” “War Scroll” and “Messianic Apocalypse.” These scrolls were discovered between 1947 and 1956 in 11 different caves on the north shore of the Dead Sea. These scrolls will teach us about early Judaism and Christianity.
I think that the fact that us Torontonians have a chance to see such a great exhibition is fantastic. It is truly amazing to see such texts that were created so long ago. I also think that these scrolls are important to not only Christianity and Judaism but also every religion around the world. They may possibly explain certain links between religions and may help people better understand the basis of many religions.
I think that the fact that us Torontonians have a chance to see such a great exhibition is fantastic. It is truly amazing to see such texts that were created so long ago. I also think that these scrolls are important to not only Christianity and Judaism but also every religion around the world. They may possibly explain certain links between religions and may help people better understand the basis of many religions.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Slow Down to Global Warming
A team of Canadian researchers have just discovered the most ancient ice ever found in North America. This ice is 700,000 years old. Experts say that due to this new find we can understand that this permafrost does not release its carbon as fast as we used to think. Although this does not throw the idea of global warming away it does tell us that it in fact may be a slower process than once thought. Since the ice has been dated back to over 700,000 years, this means that it has not melted during two periods where scientists thought the Earth was warmer then today. These scientists say that their discovery does not mean to tell people to forget about global warming, because it may still cause a serious impact on the early, especially in the North. Several climate models predict significant melting of permafrost in the coming decades, or by the end of the century. However it now appears that it might take longer then that.
I think that this is a fantastic discovery to Canada. It is a great find and I'm sure many Canadian's, as well as anyone around the world is happy to know that we will have more time to slow down global warming. I, myself do not personally believe very strongly in global warming. I think that although it is partially our fault for polluting our planet, I still think that some part of it is some how happening naturally.
Soure: Globe and Mail "Discover waters down fears of fast-melting ice" Article. Issue: Friday Sept 19. 2008
I think that this is a fantastic discovery to Canada. It is a great find and I'm sure many Canadian's, as well as anyone around the world is happy to know that we will have more time to slow down global warming. I, myself do not personally believe very strongly in global warming. I think that although it is partially our fault for polluting our planet, I still think that some part of it is some how happening naturally.
Soure: Globe and Mail "Discover waters down fears of fast-melting ice" Article. Issue: Friday Sept 19. 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Canadian Gas Price Drops
Gas seems to be a very popular topic in the news today. However today, instead of the usual spike in gas prices, us Canadians finally see a lower gas price. The gas prices across the country have lowered as much as five cents a litre, which although may not seem like alot compared to the thirteen cents increase previously, it is still very good news! The average price of gasoline in Canada is at about $1.31/L which is five cents lower then days previous to Thursday. Lucky enough for us Torontonians, gas should be hitting as low as $1.10/L and $1.09/L, which is the lowest across the country. Vancouver and other areas in BC are still suffering with prices as high as $1.40/L. The main reason for the large spike last week in Canadian gas prices was Hurricane Ike, which struck the US in areas that contain 50% of the oil refineries. However, hopefully soon enough gas prices should slowly start to decrease once again.
I think that gasoline prices is a very "hot" topic in Canadian society right now. It seems ridiculous that we are paying suck crazy prices just for gas, considering that the price for crude oil is at $100 a barrel. I think it especially outrageous that the decisions of what the price should be are being made by people who by on means should be making the decision. They have no real reasons for keeping the prices so high, even when the price for crude oil is relatively cheap. I also think that the gas being as high as it is, might have a positive factor. I think these high gas prices will encourage people into investing in Hybrid cars, which will save lots of money as well as saving our environment.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Bloody Day for Toronto
Yesterday, September 16th was a tragic day for Toronto. Three people were killed in an 8 hour span in four separate areas. The first attack happened in Toronto's east end outside of Bendale Business Institute, when a 16 year old boy Taimone Moore, however Taimone had surgery later in the day and did not die. The second attack happened in Mississauga when Paramprit Dhinsa a 23 year old man was shot outside of an apartment waiting in his car for his girlfriend. Later in that day another boy was shot at the Jane and Finch area as well as a man was stabbed near Kennedy and Sheaperd, both attacks resulting in the death of the victim. These three attacks brought a dark day to Toronto.
It is quite obvious that this was a very tragic day for Toronto. But the better assumption is that what are we really doing to fight these crimes. How is it possible that four attacks can happen in one day. I think there should be more of an effort to stop the current crimes that are happening in Toronto. Although it is easier said then done I think there should be more of an effort to stop guns entering the GTA and to stop teen crime rates. I think there should also be more programs set up to keep kids off of the street.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Cell Phones as bad as Alcohol to Drivers
Ontario doctors recently notify the public of the severe risks of car accidents while talking on a cellular phone. "Mobile phone use effects a driver's cognitive function, visual concentration, speed of processing information and reaction time." says the Ontario Medical Association. This study does not only relate to using a cellphones by holding it to your head but you are also effected when using hands free or by using an earpiece. In 2005 there were 766 fatalities and 71,850 injuries due to vehicle collisions, although it isn't known how many of these can be linked do direct cellphone use. Cellphones while driving are banned in Quebec, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as five states and 30 countries. The study also proves that cellphone use while driving is the same as driving at the legal alcohol limit. Research also found that that cellphone use while driving lessened the drivers field of view, changed driving speed, slowed response to traffic lights and changed the distance between other drivers.
I think that although driving while using a cellphone might seem to be such a problem, I do not really think that it is avoidable. Many people need to use their phones especially if they are driving long distances. I do not think they should be banned however I think that drivers should monitor their use better then they currently do. Cellphones may cause a problem but at many times they are needed for emergency purposes. A way to solve this problem would to have an emergency line that could be called, so that the driver will only pick up on that line. In conclusion I agree that cellphones are becoming a problem to today's drivers however I still think that they are needed and should not be banned due to emergency circumstances.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Supreme Court Orders Questioning Changes For Youth

Recently the Supreme Court of Canada has enforced a new rule stating that interrogators of youth offenders must word questions in a way that the youth being questioned can understand. This meaning that each youth will most likely be questioned differently. The reason for this being is that not every person will understand certain things they are being told, such as their rights, the same. Factors that affect this include language and learning disabilities. The reason that this was brought up to the SCOC was due to a recent case of a boy from Nova Scotia who had been charged with dangerous driving causing bodily harmed. The boy was questioned immediately by police, however after reviewing the tape the Court was not really sure if the boy even understood the rights he had. "An individualized, objective approach must take into account the level of sophistication of the young person and other personal characteristics relevant to their understanding," says the ruling. This forces police to take into consideration the age and sophistication of youth they are questioning. In the case of the boy from Nova Scotia previous to his questioning his mother had explained to the police that her son had a learning disability and even during questioning her son relied on her to explain each question he was being asked. The interrogator does not need to contact parents or teacher but should determine the youths level of understanding on his/her own.
I believe that this will be a very effective law in Canada. I also think that alot of problems that teens face when under questioning aside from being scared is that fact that they probably do not understand everything they are being told, or questioned. I think this way will ensure the police are going to get the answers they need as well as the youth not being confused, and saying false facts. In turn this should both better the youth and police ends of the problem.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Green Party Exclusion

Leader of the Green party Elizabeth May is fully ready to challenge the courts for the exclusion of the Green party in an upcoming televised debate, prior to the election. The four other party leaders all being men raises the question of a sexist decision. At least this is the way many people take this situation. May calls this decision which was made by her four political rivals and major broadcasting stations an "anti-democratic and sexist" decision. Leaders Jack Layton and Stephen Harper were two of the leaders who threatened to pull out of the debate if May was included. Stéphane Dion did not threaten to pull out because of May but he said that if Harper pulled out he would as well. A spokesman for Gilles Duceppe said that he would have participated in the debate regardless of May's attendance. When asked why they had made the decision to exclude May she was told that it was better to only include the Four major political parties and that it was in the interest of Canadians.
I believe that this was a very sexist and unjust decision made. I think that as long as she is a political leader there is no reason for her to be excluded from a debate. This raises a question of whether or not the other leaders are sexist, as well as many Television stations. However, I do think that regardless of her attendance the debate should still go on, it is an important part to the upcoming election and regardless of the decision to exclude her, what has been done is done, so May should move on and accept what has happened.
I believe that this was a very sexist and unjust decision made. I think that as long as she is a political leader there is no reason for her to be excluded from a debate. This raises a question of whether or not the other leaders are sexist, as well as many Television stations. However, I do think that regardless of her attendance the debate should still go on, it is an important part to the upcoming election and regardless of the decision to exclude her, what has been done is done, so May should move on and accept what has happened.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Hybrid Cars Constantly Improving

More then one obvious solution has been offered to the constant problem of gas prices, and pollution due to driving in Canada. The largest and most obvious being hybrid cars, cars that run partially on electrictiy and partially on gasoline. The most popular of these cars being the Toyota Prius. After doing the proper math it is found that many of these cars, although their high original cost, will inturn save a driver a great amount of money. As well as being more fuel efficient they save the environment from many harmful emmisions produced by gasoline or diesel powered vehicles. However, it is not fair to say these vehicles will always guarantee to save money and save fuel, it really depends on the driving style of the owner. These cars are mainly beneficial for a stop-go-stop driving that is common in cities.
I believe that hybrid cars will soon take over the majority of cars on the road. With the quickly rising gas prices a hybrid car seems to be the right alternative. Although they seem almost fool proof I do not believe they may appeal to everyone. For example if someone who does alot of long distant highway driving these cars may actually cost more money, since most of the electricity only is used in slow driving. In conclusion I thinkt hat despite a view downsides the hybrid cars are beneficial for drivers in Canada. \
I believe that hybrid cars will soon take over the majority of cars on the road. With the quickly rising gas prices a hybrid car seems to be the right alternative. Although they seem almost fool proof I do not believe they may appeal to everyone. For example if someone who does alot of long distant highway driving these cars may actually cost more money, since most of the electricity only is used in slow driving. In conclusion I thinkt hat despite a view downsides the hybrid cars are beneficial for drivers in Canada. \
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