Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Harper Wins Stronger Minority Government

As of midnight last night, Stephen Harper's minority government had been reelected, only now stronger with 143 seats. Following the Conservatives came the liberals with 76 seats, Bloc with 50 seats, and NDP with 37 seats. Stephen Dion went out respectively stating "...he promised to work closely with the Conservatives to tackle any economic troubles." Harper needed to build himself up in Quebec however in the last couple weeks of his campaign he faltered, ensuring that he wouldn't win a majority government. The conservative had won 109 seats in Ontario alone.

I do not really know what to think of this current election. Personally I do not think that it will effect me personally. I also think that although what has been said throughout he elections many things will cease to change, or atleast will not be very apparent to the general public.

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